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Managed Print Services for a Better Office Ecosystem

With the increase of awareness of the ecological crisis in our world today, both organizations and consumers are interested in finding ways to conduct business in a more environmentally friendly manner. So, as a business owner, what can you do?

You may think becoming a sustainable business requires restructuring and strategizing. However, it requires a few simple changes, such as employing managed print services, which can improve your company's environmental impact. Let’s find out how! 

How Managed Print Services Can Improve Your Office Ecosystem 

Managed print service (MPS) increases productivity and efficiency to help companies achieve their operational goal. However, in this process, MPS can also help a company cut its waste. Companies that implement sustainability and eco-friendly practices use managed print services.  


Reduces Paper Waste in Your Office 

On average employee prints around 10,000 and if you think that isn’t a big deal, imagine the paper waste an entire office produces from 10-100 people or more. Let’s face it, printing seems such a normal office practice that often goes unnoticed, allowing it to become one of the most wasteful business processes. 

A managed print service provider can help companies eliminate this extra waste by controlling access and boosting network visibility so that you ensure that only authorized documents go into printing so that only what absolutely needs to be printed gets printed. Managed print services now empower you to establish a paperless system that allows you to store your scanned document on the cloud, rather than paper-based copies. 


Reduce the Use of Energy 

Most businesses don’t realize that their printers could be consuming more energy than they would think. With older printer models, it can consume a lot of energy and electricity as with most appliances and machines ages. Most offices keep their printer, scanners, and copiers turned on throughout the workdays. Even when printers are not in use and are on standby, it uses electricity, so think about how much energy each machine is consuming when they remain turned on.  

Well, the solution to this is simple. You will opt for an all-in-one multifunction printer model. MPS comes with printing solutions that come with various modes of energy savings. With newer models, we can properly track usage with the MPS software. It monitors your paper, supplies, and print-related energy. And with the all-in-one machine, you will use less energy by reducing the number of prints, scans, and copies in the office because it is equipped with high-volume speeds. 


Partner with QualityDOS 

Now more than ever, our world has been turning to sustainable energy even in the workplace. It’s no secret that managed print services reduce operating costs by improving the office ecosystem. At QualityDOS we offer managed print services solutions for your office needs. If you are a company looking to rescue and cut waste, an MPS can help. Contact us today so that we can lower operating costs and introduce sustainable best practices. 


Printer not printing? Click here to download your guide for 10 simple solutions to get you back on track!