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Keeping Data Secure with Managed Print Services

You practice all the internet safety guidelines. You have different and complex usernames and passwords for all your accounts; you don’t click on mysterious links, and you’re up to date on all the latest cyber scams. But did you know you’re probably overlooking one crucial detail that risks the security of your business data? Believe it or not, your printer could cause a catastrophic data breach. Read on to find out more about this threat and how QualityDOS can help through Managed Print Services. 
woman printing while keeping data secure with managed print services

Just like most office equipment today, your printers, fax machines, and copiers are likely linked to your office’s network. These devices are usually equipped with hard drives that store all the information you print, scan, and fax, including sensitive materials. Without security measures, this opens the door for a hacker to steal information and/or hold it and your entire company for ransom.  

This may seem unlikely, but Cybernews demonstrated just how common a problem this is by hijacking 28,000 unsecured printers to raise awareness about printing security. Additionally, a study by research firm Quocirca found that 68% of businesses surveyed experienced data losses due to unsecure printing practices. Data loss like this also comes at a heavy cost. According to IBM, just one data breach costs an average $9.44 million in losses for businesses in the United States.  


How can Managed Print Services Keep Data Secure?

If you think that Managed Print Services (MPS) are just for saving on supplies, you may want to take another look. Data security is just one of the many benefits of MPS. Quality Digital Office Solutions’ Managed Print Services ensure that your business is equipped with scalable cybersecurity solutions that reach beyond your devices. If a threat arises, we’ll be ready to lock down everything at a moment’s notice, stopping any further nefarious action. MPS also equips businesses with hard drive security, data encryption, pull printing, and authentication to maximize security measures. Furthermore, whether it’s complying with HIPAA standards in healthcare, HSPD-12 standards for legal practices, or any other type of compliance standard, QualityDOS’ managed print services can verify your devices are meeting regulatory requirements.  


Let QualityDOS Keep Your Businesses Data Secure

Technology is getting smarter, but so are hackers. All it takes is one unsecured piece of office equipment to lead to disastrous consequences. Don’t let your data be breached. Schedule an assessment with Quality Digital Office Solutions and start securing your company’s data today.  

