Although this seems like a head-scratcher, the solution is easier than you think: simply look at your printing equipment and supplies. Not only will you save money with this option, but you’ll probably see more improvements in your business performance! Here’s how to save on printing equipment and supplies so you can optimize your business.
How to Save on Printing Equipment and Supplies: 3 Easy Ways
1. Update Your Equipment
When you’re thinking of ways to save money, buying a new printer is probably the last thing on your mind. You may also be biting your nails at the thought of giving up your original machine if it was a hefty price. But consider this: even if your printer was top-of-the-line when it was first released, it may be inefficient by today's standards. Older printers are prone to failure and can cost you expensive repairs. Additionally, legacy printers—along with cheap modern printers—can take a chunk out of your wallet from operational costs. This is usually because of issues like subpar imaging transfer systems.
If you want to know how to save on printing equipment and supplies, consider updating your machines. Multifunction printers are a great option that offers better performance because they need less energy and supplies. So, not only are you saving money on printing supplies, but you’re also reducing the cost of your energy bill! Another benefit of multifunction printers is that they last a long time with the right care and maintenance.

Multifunction printers save space and use fewer resources
2. Utilize a Document Management System
Another option to save on printing equipment and supplies is by reducing your supplies usage by transitioning to a digital format. A gallon of printer ink can cost you $12,000. Those dollars add up even more when you factor in toner and paper. Having a document management system in place can alleviate some of this cost because it encourages sharing documents through a secure online network, thus reducing the amount you print and spend on printing supplies. In fact, research by Gartner notes that companies can save up to 40% on document-related costs when they utilize a document management system.
3. Invest in Managed Print
One of the hardest parts of trying to optimize your business is identifying where your inefficiencies are. This is where managed print comes in. A core advantage of having managed print is that it’s designed to continuously look for and reduce waste that’s typically hard to spot. From overprinting and non-necessary color usage to tracking print jobs that aren’t work-related, managed print professionally logs issues within your operations. Once these problems are addressed, this service highlights how they can be fixed, meaning you can stop wasting supplies. Furthermore, professionally managed print can help you order your supplies at a cost-effective rate that is far superior to ordering from big box stores.
Cut Costs Without Sacrificing Quality with QualityDOS
Whether it’s updating your equipment, utilizing a document management system, investing in managed print or a combination of each, Quality Digital Office solutions can help you implement all these money-saving opportunities. Schedule an assessment with the QualityDOS team to learn how to save on printing equipment and supplies within your company today.