Investing in a document management system workflow can eliminate these issues and even provide additional improvements to your operation.
Why Document Management System Workflow is Important
According to a 2022 report from FinancesOnline, 21% of staff productivity is lost due to manual document issues. Why? The search for a simple document takes valuable time as hours are wasted pouring over inboxes, filing folders, and hard drives. But the arduous task of document hunting isn’t the only problem. FinancesOnline also reports that 45% of companies take up to a week just to sign a document internally. Problems like this arise because documents are easily misplaced or overlooked.
So, how can businesses prevent these workplace insufficiencies? By using a document management system workflow, organizations take control of their documents and easily share information across their network. Let’s look at the benefits of using a document management software system to improve workflow.
Why You Should Invest
1. No More Document Hunting
With document management software, the time-consuming process of manually searching for documents is over. Instead, management software organizes files so staff can immediately find what they need with a quick and painless search. Thus, employees regain their time and use it more effectively.
2. Eliminate Operational Costs
Between the cost of paper, filing cabinets, storage space, and hiring people to keep track of everything, the expense of managing paper documents stacks up. Gartner notes that companies can save up to 40% of document related costs by implementing a document management system.
3. Collaborate Effectively
Disorganization from subpar document management is a huge roadblock when it comes to organization workflow. Research from Harris Interactive reports that 83% of survey participants reported losing worktime due to some type of document version issue. Document management software eliminates this problem by managing version control and allowing organizations to create, edit, and collaborate on documents from practically any location.
4. Improve Document Security
Document management features such as tracking, password protection, version control, and so on are designed to keep even your most sensitive information safe. Furthermore, while document management allows document sharing across an entire network, upper management can just as easily use it to keep confidential documents protected using its customizable accessibility features.
It’s Time for Quality Document Management
Investing in a document management system workflow will work wonders for streamlining your business operations. From improving your document management strategy to allowing your staff to communicate and collaborate more efficiently, deploying document management is truly a key component to organizational success. Are you ready to reduce your paper trail and begin the journey to quality document management? The experts at QualityDOS are ready to help.