Quality Digital Office Solutions Blog

What is Faxing in 2024 and Beyond?

Written by QDOS Marketing Team | Jun 26, 2024 12:00:00 PM


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What is Faxing? The Old vs the New


First off, what is faxing traditionally?

For those not familiar with what faxing is, we’ll explain simply. A fax—short for facsimileis the transmission of scanned-in printed material, such as images or text, from one device to another. This can be done on a printer, fax machine, or other output machine. What sets the old way of faxing apart from the new, is that traditionally, faxing has been done through a telephone number using analog copper phone lines.  These copper phone lines are obsolete and, according to the FCC, telecommunications carriers were granted permission to abandon these outdated and degrading copper phone lines. Also, these companies are no longer required to build new traditional copper networks.  

The old method of faxing was frustrating to say the least. From busy phone lines, manual document management, and expensive, unreliable machines, traditional faxing methods could be a headache. Additionally, paper jams and other mechanical problems made faxing a less favorable method. 

However, if you think you should overlook faxing for modern business, think again. A new faxing solution has revolutionized and simplified the process! 


What is Faxing Now? A Better Alternative for 2024 and Beyond! 

Today, faxing is computer-based and has gone digital without paper printouts. 

The industry standard for computer-based faxing is a service called eGoldFax. A secure, simple to use, and cost-effective faxing service, eGoldFax streamlines the faxing process. This new process bypasses the issues of the old in favor of a reliable cloud-based fax service. With eGoldFax, faxing is easily accessible from your Multifunction-Printer (MFP), computer, or phone, saving you valuable time and resources.


eGoldFax makes faxing effortless, making your workflow easier.


How to Fax with eGoldFax

Faxing has never been simpler! Here is our guide to faxing with eGoldFax:


Sending a Fax

  • Digital documents can be attached to an email and sent to the receiver’s fax phone number. 
  • Paper documents can be faxed in one of three ways: 
    • Scan the document with a scanner with built-in scan-to-email functionality and send it as a digital document. 
    • Use an MFP to scan and send the document with either the scan-to-email function or a direct eGoldFax connector that is available for many major MFP manufacturers. 
    • Take a photo of the document with a smartphone and attach the photo to an email. 
    • Use the eGoldFax Desktop client or your email client to fax an existing or newly created digital document.


Receiving a Fax

  • Faxes received come to your fax number(s) and can be automatically sent to one or several email addresses.  
  • Faxes can be auto-printed on a network printer, routed to a network folder, or routed to a workflow.  
  • Fax recipients may also choose to have faxes go into an online portal and be notified via email.


Why Fax Today?

Modern faxing due to its simplicity, offers the ability to send multiple documents at once. Furthermore, as eGoldFax encrypts faxes with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 during transmission and storage, they are extremely secure.  

Due to eGoldFax’s strong security features, faxing is compliant with most industry standards, including legal, financial, and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). 

Faxes are also legally binding, meaning that contracts or legal agreements signed through faxed signatures are legally valid in most U.S. states. When you send a fax, you also get a delivery receipt, which can cover you should a client claim you never sent them that important paperwork.


Find Your Perfect Fax Solution with QualityDOS

Faxing is still relevant in 2024! And now, it’s easier than ever to securely and reliably send faxes.  Are you ready to sort out your business’ technology needs? Think eGoldFax is right for you? Find some of the best office equipment and fax solutions with QualityDOS! With over 30 years of experience serving businesses across Central Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland with innovative solutions and award-winning customer service, we are ready to support you! Connect with us today to discuss your faxing needs!