When you’ve been in the industry for 23 years like Bryan, you learn a thing or two. His experience, support for his team, and genuine care for customers has helped streamline QDOS’ operations and create an outstanding customer experience. We sat down with Bryan to get his perspective on his role and thoughts regarding his long-standing time at Quality DOS.
Quality Digital says that success is measured by customer success. How does this relate to you and your work?
Our customers can only be successful if our equipment and software is working and allowing them to get their print and scan jobs done. If everything is working right on the customer's end and they get their jobs done, then we are also doing our job correctly. As the Director of Service Operations, it is my job to make sure my team has what they need to keep the customers' equipment running smoothly to allow this to happen.
How do you ensure the services Quality Digital provides stay up to date?
We are always looking to evolve in all areas of the company as we monitor and streamline our processes to see how we can best serve our customers. My team also keeps up with training as manufacturers release new technology, ensuring that we are as knowledgeable as possible.
What do you think is the key to keeping Quality Digital running smoothly?
The way everyone works together as a team to achieve the same goal—which is to make the customer happy no matter what. We always put the customer first and that starts with our owners, Joe and Gordon. That has been their philosophy from the minute they started this company, and it continues today. You can’t be successful as a company if you don’t focus on the customers’ needs at all times.
The other key is how we work together as a team, keeping a fun and family atmosphere allows us to bond as a team which leads to success.
What is one of your favorite memories of working for Quality Digital?
I have so many over the years, but I would say anytime we get together as a company, whether it’s for a midday cookout, company picnic, or a dinner out. Those are always fun times, and it allows us to connect and bond as a team even more outside of the normal workday.
What do you think the future of Quality Digital looks like?
The future of Quality DOS is a bright one. I believe we are in a tremendous position as a local dealer to best serve our customers. The industry is constantly changing, but I know we have the right team in place to adapt and change with it now and in years to come.
We are proud to have Bryan as a member of the team and want to thank him for his dedication as Director of Service Operations. Want to discover more of our problem solvers, experts, and specialists? Click here to meet the rest of the team.