Simply put, cloud computing is a distributed digital infrastructural resource, or a form of computing in which networks, data management, data storage, applications, and security are all easily accessed through the internet. Instead of using your computer to store important files and data, cloud services allow users to access it anywhere at any time, allowing for more flexibility.
What are the Benefits of Cloud Computing?
1. Data Security
Data breaches are on the rise, so data security is a major concern for every business in every industry. Having cybersecurity is an important, though complex, necessity for data storage servers. Cloud computing has advanced security features like granular permission, restricting access to sensitive data, and limiting access to only employees who require access. This can also protect from unexpected data loss and malicious outsiders trying to steal or ransom data. The teams managing the cloud servers are experienced with these situations and know how to handle them.
2. Affordable and Efficient
Compared to the cost of purchasing, implementing, and maintaining your own server, which includes the installation and ongoing management of the hardware and software required for your own server, the price of a cloud server is much cheaper. The server owners cover most of the costs for you, allowing you to pay less for high-quality data storage.
3. Mobility
Cloud servers allow you to access data from different devices, from your phone to your laptop, enabling access from anywhere—not just the worksite. It can keep a connection between the company’s employees, making sure no one is out of the loop. Employees are always busy, and some live far away from the corporate offices. Your company can use cloud computing to facilitate the process of working from home for employees.
4. Insights
An additional feature of cloud servers is the insights they can give you. The software can arrange your data into graphic organizers to display patterns and trends for the company. This innovative feature can help you identify ways to improve the company by tracking successful and unsuccessful practices in your business management to improve your company’s overall productivity and sales.
5. Data Recovery
What happens if you lose power, your laptop is damaged or malfunctions, or if there's a natural disaster? Cloud computing infrastructure prevents data loss because it’s all stored on the cloud. Cloud computing implements multiple redundancies to back up your data and make sure it’s ready for you when you need it. As long as you upload your data to the cloud, it will remain accessible to any computer.
In traditional data storage, a lot can go wrong: causing you to lose crucial information. So, why take that risk? Cloud computing's feature of restoring data gives you the assurance that your data and information are safe.
6. Competitive Advantage
The benefits of switching to a cloud computing infrastructure can also set you ahead of competitors who haven't made the switch. Implementing a cloud solution brings more benefits for your company in the long run, impacting production, security, and revenue—giving your company a competitive advantage.
The benefits of cloud computing can have an impact on your business: helping you cut costs, increase productivity, improve security, and help your company grow. Cloud computing can offer endless opportunities to your business by giving not only a competitive advantage and convenience, but, more importantly, security—ensuring maximum safety. If you would like to learn more about cloud computing, contact QualityDOS; our experienced managed IT team can help answer your questions.